Savannah, GA. Casually viewing blog offerings out there in Web-log Land, I'm often surprised by the warning proviso: "NSFW" or the less emphatic: "caution--may be NSFW" before a particular YouTube video or .jpeg. This is usually a guarantee that after the break, something salacious is coming down the pike. The thing I love about this is the fact all the players are in on the game and know what's up. The poster knows; the reader knows--you are about to view something your boss (or Ms./Mr. Tight-Sphincter over in the next cubicle) ain't gonna find appropriate. It's something that's, well, Not Safe for Work.
This beggars the critical question: Why aren't these slackers, well, working? Why are they on company time (or company servers, for that matter) flitting about in the snarkosphere, when they presumably should be earning their pay? My favorite bit of delightful idleness is when some sluggard pitches a self-righteous fit in the comments section when one of these NSFW posts unzips itself unlabeled. "Dude, I could get fired!" One could only hope.
Facebook and MySpace? Shopping? Let's not even go there.
And, btw, regarding the computer I use at work--I haven't, don't and won't. That's why god made personal computers and personal smartphones.
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