Shortly after the Coup
Savannah, GA. Yahya Jammeh's brain is the size of a goober. So Is it surprising the chief export of his so-called Republic is peanuts? He is yet another extreme example of the nutbars that make up so many of the planet's religious extremists.
He goes by the official title "President Alhaji Dr. Yahya Abdul-Azziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh, Commander In Chief of The Armed Forces and the Chief Custodian of the Sacred Constitution of The Gambia." He also holds the title of "Secretary of State for Defense and holds responsibility over several Departments..." Departments such as the Cabinet, Legislature, Auditor General, Constitutional Matters--you get the idea. Dictatorship 101. He came power in a military putsch in 1994, returning Gambia to constitutional rule--his constitution--two years later and winning that presidential election. Surprise!
Unfortunately his Excellency's policies are anything but peanuts: When not "disappearing" members of the press or opposition, this dog of a man traipses about in white civilian drag, concocts personal herbal cures for HIV, and sidles up to the pig-trough for a tasty share of U.S. Foreign Aid ($100 million since the takeover alone.) Now this 21st Century despot has decided to go all religiously medieval on LGBT folks saying he will, "cut off the head" of any homosexual caught in his country. All homosexuals have been ordered to leave his plantation further stating that legislation "stricter than those in Iran" concerning homosexuality would be introduced soon. He should know; the Gambian Legislature is listed on his c.v.
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