Savannah, Ga. Newly elected Portland, OR Mayor Sam Adams should resign his office. He has lost that ineffable quality so necessary for successful politics: Trustworthiness. The honesty and truthfulness exhibited as a Portland City Commissioner where Mr. Adams sought media publicity, scrutiny, column inches, was supplanted by mendacity over a personal relationship in his past, during his mayoral campaign. He lied to voters--and to that same media covering his election, on several occasions. A mentoring relationship with a young man had turned romantic once the 18-year-old legal threshold of consent had been crossed. Legal niceties aside, the articulate, bright, Mr. Adams knew full well that just because an action is licit, it doesn't of necessity make it right. A political reputation built on transparency and openness was set aside because candidate Adams felt the public couldn't handle the truth and elect him to office at the same time. Mr. Adams' assessment may be a sad certitude, but that same public has every prerogative to wonder what uncomfortable fact in the future this Mayor may also deem necessary to keep from them.
Sam Adams should resign.
Sam Adams should resign.